Mantuwa George


Product Details

239-23KA, Kaltjiti Arts, acrylic on linen, 152 x 152cm

A bushfire has burnt the country and bare trees are visible. The rain has come after the bushfire and filled the rock-holes. Soon the new green growth will appear. This is the country of Mamungari 'nya in the far west, near Watarru. This is her mother's country. Mantuwa was born at Shirley Well, near Fregon, where her parents worked on the cattle station which was part of Ernabella Mission. Her parents moved to Fregon where she grew up. She continues to live in the Kaltjiti Community of Fregon, a small, remote aboriginal community on the APY Lands. Mantuwa works from the Kaltjiti Arts Centre where she has been a member for many years. She has a daughter, son and grandson who live in Fregon.