641-24AS, Adelaide Studio, Acrylic on Belgian Linen, 122 x 198cm
I was born in Alice Springs in 1979. I paint the waterholes from Victory Hill, where Mum used to take us when we were little. We still take the children there. We swim in the big one – we swim, dance, and drink the fresh water.
I am a mother of five and a grandparent of two, and I paint this story because it is important to teach the little ones.
The APY Art Centre Collective is a social enterprise made up of 11 Aboriginal-owned and governed arts and culture organisations from the Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara (APY) Lands. As a collective, these organisations work to increase income for Aboriginal artists and support the important work of art centres in APY communities.
This artwork was made at the APY Art Centre Collective-operated APY Studio in Adelaide, which provides APY artists with a satellite art centre for artists off ‘Country’. The APY Studio offers APY artists income stability, alongside culturally appropriate support to access healthcare and the opportunity to maintain vital cultural and community connections when in Adelaide.